INSTALL for rf-4.44.5 M.J.Harrison 02/22/2024 1. Bootstrap If you do not have a copy of a Ratfor preprocessor you will, of course, be unable to build from Ratfor source. The directory rf-4.44.5/bootstrap contains FORTRAN source that can be compiled with any FORTRAN 77 or more recent compiler, and it is assumed that you must have such a compiler available because otherwise there would be no point in building rf. The supplied uses gfortran by default. To build the bootstrap, cd to rf-4.44.5 and edit Then cd to the bootstrap directory and enter the command "make". This will build an executable called "rf" in this directory. Then either copy rf to a directory on your PATH, or set up a link, called "rf", to it from any directory on your PATH. If you wish, you can just use this version as it stands, but a good way to verify that it built correctly is to use it to rebuild the Ratfor source. 2. Building the Ratfor source Change your current directory to rf-4.44.5. First (if you did not build the bootstrap) edit Then enter the command "make". This will build the preprocessor in this directory and rf run-time library in the lib subdirectory. 3. Installing To install in the "standard" place, change your current directory to rf-4.44.5 and enter "sudo make install"; this will copy rf to /usr/local/bin, librf.a to /usr/local/lib, and rf.1 to /usr/man/man1. To install in a more private place (e.g. for initial testing), enter "make myinstall", which will copy rf to $HOME/bin and lib/librf.a to $HOME/lib (creating these directories if necessary). 4. Cleaning Up To remove all the files generated by the build, change your current directory to rf-4.44.5 and enter "make clean".